Is perfect if:

  • routine work takes a lot of your company's time;
  • it is necessary to increase the efficiency of employees;
  • you need to automate all routine processes and concentrate on more important matters;

How everything is going

Етап 1. Аудит

  • ваші бізнес-процеси продажу графічно описані у форматі BPMN-схем (див. приклад);
  • кожен співробітник легко розуміє процес в цілому і свою роль в ньому; 

Stage 1. Audit

  • your business processes are graphically described and formalized in the format of BPMN diagrams (see example) according to your wishes.
  • each employee easily understands the process as a whole and his role in it; 

Stage 2. Implementation CRM

  • it is configured a convenient and intuitive interface for the manager
  • configured and ready-to-run automated process

Address 02-022 Warszawa ul. Niemcewicza 7/9/265
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